“usePAT products help our customers to improve their knowledge about their process in-line and real-time. This leads to optimized process control and increases the efficiency in respect to raw materials, energy, yield, quality, and production time. Moreover,...
Peter Lieber, Enterprise Architecture Enthusias and ECOMAI Austrian country coordinator, presenting at the conference. This well-attended forum highlighted some of the most exciting topics for our global community and economy, including hydrogen technologies, energy,...
Key Note at Thought Leaders Day . The Austrian Trade Organisation of Small and Medium Enterprises invited its network to a Thought Leaders Day under the topic: Epochal Change “Artificial intelligence”. The conference followed the goald to broadly discuss...
Interview with Daniel Müller-Gritschneder from TU Munich . The PENTA project ECOMAI started with a master thesis led by INFINEON, a world leader in semiconductor solutions. The thesis had one focus: “How can the control of an electrical motor be significantly...
The ECOMAI project started officially on May, 1st 2022 and will last till Spring 2025. 5 Milestones will pave the exciting journey from Use Case till Validation.The project is divided into 5 Working Packages: Management, Integration, Validation and Dissemination,...