Key Note at Thought Leaders Day
The Austrian Trade Organisation of Small and Medium Enterprises invited its network to a Thought Leaders Day under the topic: Epochal Change “Artificial intelligence”. The conference followed the goald to broadly discuss challanges and opportunities which Artificial Intelligence is offering to entrepreneurs. The question of the differentiation between man and machine, which subsequently also has social and political consequences, marks a turning point that will determine the future of us entrepreneurs.
The overarching discussion is taking place under the catchword “digital humanism”. Vienna can be described as the capital of this multidisciplinary approach. In May 2019, an important milestone was set with the “Vienna Manifesto for Digital Humanism”. This will be followed by the first UNESCO Chair for Digital Humanism at the Vienna University of Technology in May 2023.
“We must shape technologies according to human values and needs, instead of just allowing technologies to shape people, technologies to shape people.”
(from the Vienna Manifesto for Digital Humanism).
At this thought leadership day, the Penta project ECOMAI gave an insight with a key note talk:
tinyML – die verdeckte KI Revolution für eingebettete Systeme am Beispiel des europäischen Projekts ECOMAI
PD Dr. Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Technische Universität München & Vanessa Prankl, usePAT
The aim to highlight the business opportunities which arise of the use of tinyML and how to implement it into practice was well perceived by the audience. It shows how a strong ecosystem of reasearch and commercial partners deliver value to this current fast technology development.